Bulletin for Sunday, February 9, 2025
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Rev. Rachel Campbell M.Div, M.A Coordinating Minister
Rev. David H. Hamilton, “Minister Emeritus”
Louise Elder, Director of Music music@trinitysummerside.ca
Peggy Miles, Communications Coordinator peggy@trinitysummerside.ca
Corina Anderson, Student Minister (contact office)
Joyce Hazard, Administrative Assistant admin@trinitysummerside.ca
Karen MacLean, Superintendent for Jr Church & Youth (contact office)
Amand Arsenault, Custodian (contact office)
Making disciples for the sake of the world.
February 9, 2025 5th Sunday after Epiphany
“I Am a Changemaker” Sermon Series Part Five – I Will Notice and Celebrate Everyone
** Inspired by content from the “I Am a Change Maker: Teaching Anti-Racism with Children to offer similar themes, scriptures, etc. within worship over the six-weeks. The United Church of Canada
We acknowledge that the land upon which we gather is unceded Mi’kmaq territory. Epekwitk (Prince Edward Island) is covered by the historic Treaties of Peace and Friendship. We pay our respects to the Indigenous Mi’kmaq People who have occupied this Island for over 12,000 years; past, present and future.
Preparation for Worship:
Lighting of the Christ Candle:
*Introit Hymn #14MU: “Where Two or Three Are Gathered”
Call to Worship: (Let Us Pray: A Digital Collection of Prayers By Jane Doull – From The Prayer Bench)
One: Come and rest a while.
All: Pause from the busyness of this new season.
One: Breathe in the Love which surrounds you.
All: Listen for the still small voice speaking to your inmost heart. Amen
*Hymn #1MV: “Let Us Build a House” (vs 1, 4, 5)
*Gathering Prayer: (Let Us Pray: A Digital Collection of Prayers By Jane Doull – From The Prayer Bench)
Holy Wisdom, Light of Lights, Giver of Hope, as we begin this new season, we long for new life, new energy, new purpose. We long for the gifts of compassion, of caring community, in our everyday struggles and in the troubles of our world. Together may we find and share the life, love, and peace we need. May your Spirit fill us to the brim with zeal, imagination, and gusto. May we read the signs of the times and discern our special gift, our special calling, our special opportunity to do a new thing in our church and community, for joy for one another and the joy of your beloved world. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer: said
A Time for All Ages
Spark Bible Reading: “Many Members One Body” 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 Pages 543-545 Read by Phoebe Swart
Children’s Hymn #45MV: “You Are Holy”
Psalm 23: Read by Corina Anderson (student minister)
Ministry of Music: Psalm 23
Sermon: by Corina Anderson (student minister)
Hymn #34VU: “Come Now, O God of Peace”
Mission and Service Story: Sharon Moyse
Offertory Prayer (Let Us Pray: A Digital Collection of Prayers By Jane Doull – From The Prayer Bench)
*Offertory Hymn #542VU: “We Give You But Your Own”
Call to Prayer #400VU: “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying”
Prayers of the People: Adapted from Let Us Pray: A Digital Collection of Prayers By Jane Doull – From The Prayer Bench)
*Closing Hymn #145MV: “Draw the Circle Wide”
*Commissioning and Benediction: (CGP 0X006, 0Y008)
*Postlude Hymn #599VU: “Living Christ, Bring Us Love” (vs 4, 5)
Copyright Credits for February 9th, 2025
Trinity United Church is licensed to reprint and livestream music under: OneLicense #A-727839 and/or CCLI License # 2229601.
A warm thank you to Karen Brennan for playing this morning while Louise is away. Thank you also to Cathy Pavlik (song leader) and our Trinity Choir for their leadership today.
Trinity United Church, Summerside weekly sermon is available on your phone!
(For after hours’ pastoral emergencies only such as hospital or palliative visits and funeral requests, they can be arranged by calling Rev Rachel’s cell 902-439-1881, Please note that Rev. Rachel’s days off are Mondays & Tuesdays)
At Trinity United we are most thankful for your contributions to the life and work of our Church. Please call the office for more information on:
PAR- Pre-Authorized Remittance, Post Dated Cheques
On Our Website at Trinity Summerside.ca, E Transfer to donate@trinitysummerside.ca
Cash Please call 902-436-3155 for assistance
Sunday, February 2nd, 2024
Attendance: 130 Sunday Worship Service (Junior Church and Youth)
Contributions: Envelopes 20 $ 800.00
Loose Givings $ 80.00
PAR Givers 91 $8,490.00 (monthly)
E-transfers $1400.00 (monthly)
Schedule for February 9-Feb.16, 2025
10:30am Sunday in person and livestreamed worship service led by Corina Anderson Student Minister, Note: Rev. Rachel is back but this is her last Sunday with the Junior Youth Grades 8+
2:00pm Private rental – Auditorium
7:00pm There is NO Abbey tonight
1:30pm UCW meeting in the Boardroom
4:00pm Faith in Action team meeting in auditorium
7:00pm Stewardship team meeting in boardroom/and zoom
8:00am Women’s Breakfast -Waterfront Café (Holland College)
8:00am Men’s Breakfast – Seashell Café (26152 Route 2)
11:00am Worship team meeting in boardroom
1:30pm Summerset Manor service
4:00pm Property team meeting in boardroom
5:45pm No Handbell Choir – Sanctuary
7:00pm No Choir rehearsal – Sanctuary
9:30am Trinity Café (with Corina) in Sanctuary
11:00am Zooming the Lectionary (with Corina) in Sanctuary Zoom
1:00pm Silvertones rehearsal in Sanctuary
1:00pm Volunteer prep work for dinner – auditorium
9:30am Trinity Art Group – Auditorium
4:00pm Roast Beef Dinner Fundraiser – Auditorium
10:30am Sunday in person and livestreamed worship service led by Rev. Rachel Campbell, (Jr Church and Jr Youth)
11:30am Tea/Coffee & Chat
11:45am CL&G team meeting in boardroom
7:00pm Abbey tonight
Special Concert: Sunday, February 23rd at 1:30 – 2:45 p.m. at Trinity Summerside, Cathy Pavlik and Louise Elder present: Biblical Songs: Psalms and Spirituals
“Reflections on the Enduring Power of Faith” Cathy Pavlik, voice, Louise Elder, piano/organ. Admission by donation. Please invite your family and friends to enjoy this performance.
Food Box News: Your recycled bottles and cans to Don’s Bottle Exchange help support the food box program. Food Boxes days are Tuesdays from 9am to 1pm and Thursdays from noon to 3pm
Roast Beef Dinner Fundraiser: Our fundraiser meal is next week on February 15th. Limited tickets are available at the back of the church or in the office. Takeout or Delivery.
Coldest Night of the Year: The Walking Robins are back with a 2025 Team for CNOY Summerside. We are walking on Feb 22 to support LifeHouse Summerside (a transitional house and shelter for women and children). As a Team we are walking in the memory of The Rev. John Wilson who was a wonderful supporter and advocate for outreach. Our Team so far includes: Elizabeth Karniej, Pat Day, Winnie Moores, Hannah Collicutt, Joyce Montgomery and Joyce Hazard but we hope to see lots more registering in the coming days. Please do consider joining our team! Donations to support us as we fundraise can be dropped off at the Trinity Church Office Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. or speak directly to a Team member and they will happily accept your donation for our Team.
Kitchen Needs: Thank you so very much for your donations. We are getting to be a professional kitchen!
Junior Church and Youth: Attention Parents! Jr Church and Jr Youth Group is coming to an end on February 16th. On that Sunday we will be having a Show and Tell and Talent Activities with the kids. We encourage your child/ children to bring something they have that means a lot to them, is very special that they might want to share with the group, or if they have a talent they want to share, (be it singing, dancing, reading something special to them), whatever their talents are, we would love to see them. However only if they are comfortable doing so. There is no Jr Church and Jr Youth Group on February 23rd or March 2nd. We will start back up again on March 9th. On February 23rd, there is Confirmation, Baptism and Communion. It is a big Sunday in church and we invite you and your child/ children to come to church on that Sunday and be a part of the celebration. Thank you, Karen MacLean, Superintendent of Junior Church and Junior Youth.
Shrove Tuesday: The CL&G team will be putting on a pancake supper and are looking for donations of pancake mix (add water only) and syrup. Please drop off your donations prior to March 4th. The supper will be 4-6pm in the auditorium, donations welcomed.
The business office is open Mon-Fri 8:30am-3:30pm www.TrinitySummerside.ca 902-436-3155
Find us on Facebook: Trinity United Church Summerside
Find us on YouTube: Virtual Trinity UCC Summerside
Rev. Rachel Campbell M.Div, M.A Coordinating Minister rachel@trinitysummerside.ca
Rev. David H. Hamilton, “Minister Emeritus”
Corina Anderson, Student Minister (contact office)
Louise Elder, Director of Music music@trinitysummerside.ca
Peggy Miles, Communications Coordinator peggy@trinitysummerside.ca
Karen MacLean, Superintendent for Jr Church & Youth (contact office)
Joyce Hazard, Administrative Assistant admin@trinitysummerside.ca
Amand Arsenault, Custodian (contact office)