Bulletin for Sunday, March 23, 2025
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Rev. Rachel Campbell M.Div, M.A Coordinating Minister
Rev. David H. Hamilton, “Minister Emeritus”
Louise Elder, Director of Music music@trinitysummerside.ca
Peggy Miles, Communications Coordinator peggy@trinitysummerside.ca
Corina Anderson, Student Minister (contact office)
Joyce Hazard, Administrative Assistant admin@trinitysummerside.ca
Karen MacLean, Superintendent for Jr Church & Youth (contact office)
Amand Arsenault, Custodian (contact office)
March 23, 2025 Lent 3
We acknowledge that the land upon which we gather is unceded Mi’kmaq territory. Epekwitk (Prince Edward Island) is covered by the historic Treaties of Peace and Friendship. We pay our respects to the Indigenous Mi’kmaq People who have occupied this Island for over 12,000 years; past, present and future.
Preparation for Worship:
Lighting of the Christ Candle:
*Introit Hymn #394VU: “Moved by The Gospel, Let Us Move” (vs 3)
Call to Worship: (Adapted from Psalm 63:1-4)
One: O God, you are my God; I seek you; my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
All: So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory.
One: Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.
All: So I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on your name.
*Hymn #766VU: “As the Deer Pants for the Water”
*Gathering Prayer: (Adapted from Psalm 63:5-8)
My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises you with joyful lips when I think of you on my bed and meditate on you in the watches of the night,for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer: sung, arrangement by Linnea Good
Thank you to Corina Anderson, student minister
Spark Bible Reading: Luke 13:1-9 Parable of the Fig Tree. pages 372-373 read by Phoebe Swart.
Children’s Hymn #357VU: “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus”
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:1-9 NRSV – Read by Corina Anderson, Student Minister
Hymn #460VU: “All Who Hunger”
Sermon: “The Mission” by Rev. Rachel Campbell
Ministry Of Music: “A Song of Faith”
Mission and Service Story: Faith in Action
Offertory Prayer
*Offertory Hymn #540VU: “Grant Us, God, the Grace”
Call to Prayer #18MV: “Lord, Prepare Me to Be a Sanctuary”
Prayers of the People: provided and led by Corina Anderson, student minister
*Closing Hymn #560VU: “O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee”
*Commissioning and Benediction:
*Postlude Hymn #967VU: “Amen, Amen, Amen”
Copyright Credits for March 23rd, 2025
Trinity United Church is licensed to reprint and livestream music under: OneLicense #A-727839 and/or CCLI License # 2229601.
On Thursday, March 20th, Rev. Rachel led the celebration of life service of Claude Ernest Allen held at the East Prince Funeral Home. Please hold Claude’s family and friends in your prayers during this difficult time.
The business office is open Mon-Fri 8:30am-3:30pm
Lenten Newsletter: Please be sure to take a newsletter with you today or visit our
Facebook page or Website to keep up to date with everything happening now
through to the end of Easter.
(For after hours’ pastoral emergencies only such as hospital or palliative visits
and funeral requests, they can be arranged by calling Rev Rachel’s cell 902-439-
1881, Please note that Rev. Rachel’s days off are Mondays & Tuesdays)
The business office is open Mon-Fri 8:30am-3:30pm
www.TrinitySummerside.ca 902-436-3155
Find us on Facebook: Trinity United Church Summerside
Find us on YouTube: Virtual Trinity UCC Summerside
Rev. Rachel Campbell M.Div, M.A Coordinating Minister rachel@trinitysummerside.ca
Rev. David H. Hamilton, “Minister Emeritus”
Corina Anderson, Student Minister (contact office)
Louise Elder, Director of Music music@trinitysummerside.ca
Peggy Miles, Communications Coordinator peggy@trinitysummerside.ca
Karen MacLean, Superintendent for Jr Church & Youth (contact office)
Joyce Hazard, Administrative Assistant admin@trinitysummerside.ca
Amand Arsenault, Custodian (contact office)
At Trinity United we are most thankful for your contributions to the life and work of our Church. Please call the office for more information on:
PAR- Pre-Authorized Remittance, Post Dated Cheques
On Our Website at Trinity Summerside.ca, E Transfer to donate@trinitysummerside.ca
Cash Please call 902-436-3155 for assistance
Sunday, March 16th, 2025
Attendance: 151 Sunday Worship Service (Junior Church/Youth)
Contributions: Envelopes 21 $ 1025.00
Loose Givings $ 60.80
PAR Givers 92 $8,636.00 (monthly)
E-transfers $1382.00 (monthly)
Schedule for March 23- March 30, 2025
8:45am Small Group Study in boardroom
10:30am Sunday in person and livestreamed worship service led by
Rev. Rachel Campbell, (no Jr Church/Youth)
11:30am Tea, Coffee & Chat in Auditorium put on by Pastoral Care Team
12:30pm Special Council meeting in Auditorium
7:00pm The Abbey
8:00am Women’s Breakfast -Waterfront Café (Holland College)
8:00am Men’s Breakfast – Seashell Café (26152 Route 2)
11:00am Staff Team meeting – Boardroom
1:30pm Summerset Manor service
5:45/7:00pm Handbell and Trinity Choir rehearsals
9:30am Trinity Café in Sanctuary, with Corina
11:00am Zooming the Lectionary in Sanctuary and Zoom, with Corina
1:00pm Silvertones rehearsal in Sanctuary
1:30pm Parkhill service
6:30pm Trinity Council Meeting by zoom only, 2.5 hours
11:30am Lenten Lunch held this week at Summerside Presbyterian Church
9:00am Trinity Art Group – Auditorium
3:00pm Private rental – sanctuary
8:45am Small Group Study in boardroom
10:30am Sunday in person and livestreamed worship service led by
Rev. Rachel Campbell, (Junior Church and Junior Youth)
7:00pm The Abbey
Easter Change Challenge: The Stewardship Team invites the congregation to join the Easter
Change Challenge! Running through until Easter Sunday, we will have buckets placed at each
entrance to collect donations. The proceeds will be donated to the Food Box Program. The goal for
this family challenge is $1,500. We will track progress using a meter on the collection bucket and
will report results each Sunday in the bulletin. Let’s watch the money grow and break that
thermometer! TO DATE: $423.10
Eastertide Season Home Communion – April 30th . If interested in booking in a
Home Communion with Rev. Rachel, please call the church office at 902-436-3155
Learn to Crochet: Our own Addison will lead a crochet class for six weeks (one hour a
week) for up to 12 participants. All ages welcome but children need to be accompanied by a
parent/guardian. Register by contacting the office before the deadline of April 25. Each
class will take place in the welcome centre of the sanctuary on Friday evenings from 6-7pm,
beginning in May.
Benefit concert in support of Hospice PEI: Men of the Harvest will perform at this
special concert to be held at Trinity United Church in Summerside on April 6 th at 2:30
p.m. with donations at the door.
Baptism Sunday: Looking ahead, our next baptismal date will be Mother’s Day,
Sunday, May 11 th . Please have your request and form completed on or before April
Food Box News: Your recycled bottles and cans to Don’s Bottle Exchange help
support the food box program. Food Boxes days are Tuesdays from 9am to 1pm and
Thursdays from noon to 3pmCamp Abegweit Annual Meeting: Monday, March 31st 6:30 here in our auditorium.
We are looking for two new board members. If you have an interest and would like more
information contact Sharon Howatt at vshowatt@pei.sympatico.ca or 902-432-9193.
Camp Abegweit Annual Meeting: Monday, March 31st 6:30 here in our auditorium. We are looking for two new board members. If you have an interest and would like more information contact Sharon Howatt at vshowatt@pei.sympatico.ca or 902-432-9193
Home Visits: If you would like a home visit from Rev. Rachel and have not received
one yet, please contact our church office at 902-436-3155 or email Rev. Rachel at
rachel@trinitysummerside.ca or put your name and phone number in the Visitation
Book at the back of the sanctuary.
(For after hours’ pastoral emergencies only such as hospital or palliative visits and funeral requests,
they can be arranged by calling Rev Rachel’s cell 902-439-1881, Please note that Rev. Rachel’s days
off are Mondays & Tuesdays)
Applications are available at the church entrances or by email to
1. value and number of awards dependent upon interest earned;
2. scholarship to be awarded during a service at Trinity United Church by a member(s)
of the Mollins family or their designate;
3. application deadline: on or before March 28, 2025 at 3:00pm
4. if there are no qualified applicants, the scholarship will not be awarded that year;
5. if the trust fund does not generate sufficient interest in any given year, the
scholarship will not be awarded.
1. must be a member or adherent of Trinity United Church;
2. must be an active participant in the life of Trinity United Church;
3. must be pursuing post-secondary education or equivalent.