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Music at Trinity United Church

Trinity United Church in Summerside has a vibrant music ministry – all are choristers at Trinity whether in the congregation or in a choir, we all join our voices to praise and worship our Creator God.

There are some of us who like to join voices in a leadership role and so, we form the Trinity Choir. This group meets weekly at 7:00 p.m on Wednesday nights. The Trinity Choir presents anthems in a variety of genres and voicing from unison to four-part, SATB harmony. Our rehearsals begin with a warmup which
not only prepares our voices but prepares our minds to sing as one and make a “joyful noise”. From there, we work through Sunday hymns and then move into our anthem preparation for the following service and we work ahead into future anthems so that we are often working on music for 6 weeks hence!  Our rehearsals are usually about 75 minutes but occasionally we work 90 minutes depending on the time of year and what is ahead.

We have a tradition of presenting a Christmas cantata and our numbers swell for that as we invite folks to come and sing into that season of song with us. During the Lenten and Easter season, we have extra services and the music brings the joy of  resurrection in a whole new way if you sing it. These 6 week
commitments to choir at Christmas and Easter might fit your lifestyle! Consider offering your voice for these sessions.

Reading music is an asset but definitely not a requirement to join the Trinity Choir – a love of singing, enthusiasm for praising in song and a desire to share in a choral fellowship are some of our criteria for singing in the choir. Consider joining us!!

In our choir, we have voices that form smaller choral ensembles – duets, trios and quartet assist in adding variety to our musical offerings. We are thankful for the talents we have at Trinity and for those folks who offer their time for this added blessing.

Another music group, The Trinity Handbell Choir, provides special music approximately every six weeks. We have a two octave set of handbells which requires a minimum of eight ringers. Reading music or familiarity with musical notation is a huge asset to those playing. We have a fun rehearsal and
laugh often as we work through the scores. The handbell choir traditionally meets at 5:45 – 6:45 on Wednesday evenings. If you are interested in this type of ensemble, contact Louise for more information.

Our Contemporary Choir is a group of musicians and singers who have traditionally presented songs beyond our hymnals. Often, guitar or drums might be part of this ensemble. As we look to the spring of 2025, this group is changing and where God will lead us is yet to be revealed. We look forward to developing God’s plan – with prayer and discernment it will be made known!

If you have a musical talent and would like to share it, please be in touch with Louise. If you would like to be part of one of our groups but just aren’t sure, talk to some members of those groups or call Louise. Don’t be afraid to try us out to see if you might like to join us.  There will be great music to learn and great fellowship to be had as we worship in song.  In the words of Linnea Good paraphrasing Psalm 100:

Make a joyful noise all the earth!
Worship your God with gladness
Make a joyful noise all the earth.
Come to this place with a song!

For More Info on Music Opportunities Contact:

Louise Elder
Music Director



Trinity United Church

90 Spring Street

Summerside, PE

C1N 3E4

Tel 902-436-3155

Fax 902-436-3002

Trinity offers a wide variety of programs, learning groups, and service opportunities for all ages. Please browse our pages and see where you might fit in! For more information or to volunteer please contact:

Wendy Murray
Office Administrator